Food was another matter -- I absolutely love food. I also absolutely love beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages, which I drank one or two almost every night. Seconds and occasionally thirds were the order of the day and if something was exceptionally tasty, I stuffed myself to the gills under the misguidance that I might never eat something so wonderful ever again. I knew my habits were bad, but there was always tomorrow, always the next day. I cursed my brother and his damned metabolism that allowed him to eat whatever the hell he wanted and not gain weight, but then again he had to go through all of the horrendous jaw surgery ordeals, so I guess we are at a draw there.
It was not until about two years ago that I bought the Nintendo Wii
Two months later, on the Wii Fit release day, I snuck out of work to try my luck again at Kmart and I hit the jackpot. I plopped down the $89.00 plus tax and put the boxed balance board and game in the trunk of my car and headed back to work to count the painfully slow minutes until 5:00 PM. Once home, I performed the ceremonial unboxing, setting up the new device per the specifications of the instructions and turned it on. Already having a Mii character that I had created in my likeness from when I had bought the Wii, I imported him into the Wii Fit program and proceeded to go through the initial set up steps. I entered my height and that I was a male and stood on the balance board so that it could record my weight. After the weigh-in, I had to perform a series of balance tests, which I was not ready for, in an effort to gauge my "Wii Age".
All steps finished, I stepped from the balance board to the floor to see the results. There stood my Mii, the symbol of how I viewed myself, poised in the center of the screen, background lights dimming and a spotlight appearing on him from above. The Mii then began to float into the air slowly spinning while the stardust danced around and suddenly my Mii dropped to the ground, bounced a few times, and expanded horizontally, leaving him hanging his head in shame. There might have been a "Wah, wah, wah" sound in there, but it was the word "Overweight" displaying on the screen that slayed me. I could care less about the followup Wii Fit age of 49 (twelve years above my actual age), it was the fact that the system had taken my Mii, who I had already accommodated with extra size, and added to it. "Fu...fuck you, Wii Fit. Fuuuuuuuuuucckkk you! I'll show you who's overweight, you son of a bitch." I vowed shaking my finger at the television. It was bad enough still having some of the body image nonsense from my junior high school days, but this? Coming from Nintendo none the less. I bought the original NES with money I saved as a kid. My brother and I sank so much damn money into the thing, we should have been given stock in the damn company. Overweight. Plump me out. I'll show you.
I resisted the urge to pop in Zack and Wiki, pull out a couple of beers and chomp down some pretzels, but instead wiped away the tears of shame and began to go through the exercises. Still pissed off, I doubled my efforts at the gym, going so far as to go to the Body Pump (light weights with incredibly high repetition) with my wife, which showed me that women double my age could easily kick my ass. Undaunted, I started running. The thought of me running is off-putting to both me and many of my friends, but I was doing it; last year I even ran 10.6 miles at the Big Sur Marathon.
At the time that I started the Wii Fit
Answer - Still me, but not by much.

I'm inspired (as I drink my MGD 64 calorie beer and read this from the couch). :)