Last year, I missed the comic con as well, after going for two years in a row--my first two times--but I was okay with missing out, as I had just picked up eight-week-old Tulip and had her for two weeks before I headed off to Spain for two weeks to meet up with Amy. Even then, I feverishly tried to find a way to swing a day or two at the sold out convention and still make my flight to Spain, but it was not meant to be. This was fine as the line up of events had nothing that I had not seen before and the crowds were said to be much worse than previous years; most of my time would have been spent waiting countless hours in various lines and contracting god-only-knows what nasty little viruses that happened to be floating around.
Back in late February, I found out about the amazing lineup of guests that were scheduled to appear at the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle and I was a hair's width from pulling the trigger and buying a plane ticket and crossing my fingers that I could still buy a ticket, but reality, time off from f_ing work, f_ing money and a flash of sanity prevented me from doing it. I am still left to wonder what might have been if only I had....
This year, however, the San Diego Comic Con sold out in record time, and there are scheduled to be even more rooms and events than ever before, but as anyone who has attended this Con will tell you, the crowds are going to be obnoxiously severe. Why is this? Should I really be upset that one of my most beloved mediums has taken off to such an extent that throngs of people have gained interest? Yes and no, I guess. It is great that more and more people are being exposed to the world of comic books, whether it is through movies, television, video games or through the actual comics themselves, but then again, having things like Twilight bringing in the masses that would normally have not attended, means a higher probability of getting bumped from something that I am very interested in. But, again, these newcomers may branch out and pick up The Sandman
Oh well, each day brings the SDCC closer and I will be forced to sedate myself with copious amounts of beer and Caipirinhas, and be forced to hang out with friends and family or experience this thing called sunlight, which is okay. I do know that I will be checking all of my favorite websites for any and all SDCC information while pretending to pay attention to what is going on around me. "Um...yeah, get right on that, Boss Man. I just need to verify relevant website. YES! Finally! New Superhero Squad action figures and Alan Moore has a new comic! Um...yes, getting those reports right now."

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