Friday Slice of Heaven
My Eight Page Comic Short - I'm in the home stretch on this one. All of the completed artwork is in, I have everything lettered including captions, sound effects, and a few word balloons, and I have flattened files almost ready to go. I have a few adjustments here or there and two more sound effects to add, but those should not be a problem. My main concern right now is receiving confirmation from Eagles Initiative on the exact specs for a double-page spread and I am set to submit on Saturday with two days to spare to the deadline.
As for the artist, his name is Juan Romera and he is honestly the driving force of the little script I wrote. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of my script, but Mr. Romera is the one who brings the beauty and the horror, the setting and the mood. He has been a joy to work with and professional to the nth degree. Win/lose, we created something pretty cool and as stressful as the past two weeks have been, the experience has been priceless. Check out Juan's site and see why he is someone to watch!
ZAGGmate with Keyboard - Okay, I'm in love. I have used this ZAGGmate
First a bit of history. My trusty old netbook has served me faithfully. It has served me well. But in recent months I've noticed the old girl has not been able to perform quite as well as she used to back in her heyday. Sure she wasn't the best netbook around, and definitely not the fastest (even with maxed memory), but she helped me write my first novel and she will always have a place in my heart for that. Like I said, though, things changed a while back. She only holds about an hour and fifteen minutes of battery time, I shutdown the wireless capabilities a while ago and she still is slow to boot, slow to open programs and slow to work on. Don't get me wrong, when she is up and raring to go...and plugged into the wall...she still works like a charm provided I only use word and maybe play some songs in iTunes...that's it. I may still use her now and then, but for now I put her out to pasteur (in the closet) and will check on her from time to time.
My new workhorse, my there is a real beauty. I have access to the web, emails, a comic book download service (ComiXology), iTunes, photos, Sketchbook and most importantly Pages, Apples writing app for mobile devices. I emailed my newly started kid's novel (15 pages thus far) to myself, opened it up in pages and was ready to write--except for the onscreen keyboard, which is not an option for long-term writing. In walks the ZAGGmate Keyboard.
The iPad slides snuggly, but easily into the aircraft-grade aluminum-backed keyboard which becomes a protective shell for the iPad. The glass screen never touches a single key. Gently pull the two apart, turn on the keyboard (which I have still not had to charge to this day), flip up the stand on the keyboard, turn on the iPad which syncs immediately (after you have performed the sync operation once) and you are ready to go. Sure the keys are a shade smaller than those of my netbook, but I was able to become used to the slightly altered layout in a few minutes and was off to continue writing the kid's novel, which I retrieved from my email; there are also options to use iDisk as well.
I still have a lot of exploring to do with the capabilities of my new beauty, but thus far this is a match made in heaven. Lighter than my netbook, FAR faster, and honestly more convenient. If you write and have an iPad, give it a try, you will be happy that you did.
ZAGGmate with Bluetooth Keyboard |
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents - Written by Nick Spencer, illustrated by Cafu and Howard Chaykin, published by DC Comics. I am still loving this book. Nick Spencer's deliberate and at times maddeningly well-paced superhero comic continues to amaze. This issue focuses on Professor Anthony Dunn, the blue-skinned THUNDER Agent who wears the cloak of invisiblity. I don't want to give away the odd circumstances of his other powers, but he is brought back into the fold to help rescue Raven from SPIDER (yes...I know, just trust me on this). Deceit and mysteries prevail and I am dying for the next issue.
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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #3 |
Morning Glories #6 - Written by Nick Spencer, illustrated by Joe Eisma, published by Image Comics. Aside from Chew
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Morning Glories #6 |
Sweet Tooth #12 - 16 - Written and illustrated by Jeff Lemire, published by Vertigo Comics, a DC Comics imprint. What more can I say about this comic series other than after reading the first two TPB's I had to immediately switch to floppies to avoid the painfully long wait between trades. A Fantastic series filled with suspense and raw emotion that is over far too quickly with each issue. Lemire has the rare ability to manipulate the reader with but a single silent panel commanding sympathy, outrage or shock, and at times all three.
These particular issues see Jepperd come to a decision that we all knew was coming, more information as to the nature of Sweet Tooth is revealed, new and tenuous alliances are formed and friends are made. Oh yeah, there's also some disturbing stuff with the animal hybrids under the control of a new player. Honestly, just buy the first two trades and struggle to catch up. This book is completely worth the ride.
Now if I can get my hands on the out of stock issue# 17! Sweet Tooth Vol. 1: Out of the Woods
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Sweet Tooth #12 |
Slice Into the Woods
Sleep - The lack of it and the need to have. Stupid...stupid...sleep.

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