Call me obsessive, but I don't want to wail
I've spent three weeks on The Sixth Gun's trail
Three long weeks on The Sixth Gun's trail
Call me obsessive, but I don't want to wail
I've spent three weeks on The Sixth Gun's trail
Three full weeks of my life on The Sixth Gun's trail
And if you have ten minutes to spare
Then Donist will tell you 'bout some sweet comics this week
A hopeful, nervous, cheerful guy
I went to my LCS and I
I walked in and asked to spy what was in my pull
I said, "I'd like to have my Frankenstein?
I like to have my Frankenstein?
Do you have a copy of Batman Gates of Gotham?" Ohhhhhh...
He grabbed the box and asked me my last name
I replied, "For the past seventeen years it's been the same"
He said, "Oh...whatever dude here's your
Sixth Gun, is that the one by that guy Bunn?"
Call me obsessive, but I don't want to wail
I've spent too long on The Sixth Gun's tail
Far too long, chasing The Sixth Gun's tail
So, this week is the San Diego Comic Con of 2011 and for the third year in a row I am not in attendance. The feelings started with a general forget the stupid SDCC, I don't need it mentality, but as the weeks drew closer my attitude began to change. Now I'm in the middle of stupid, stupid, stupid...stupid, stupid, should have just bought a damn badge when you had the chance. I have gone through a few panicked instances of seeing if any more badges were being offered, and checking to see if there were any hotels in the area available, then on to sadness, to resentment and ultimately to acceptance.
This year in particular is difficult as I have scoured all of the programming and there is much that is promising to the new comic book writer. Not only that, but many of the fine people from The Comics Experience are in attendance and they will be meeting up in many of the panels and afterwards for dinner and general nuttiness. Two such individuals are my friends from The Brutal Circle (we promise to post soon), Rob Anderson and Frederick Kim. It would be nice to meet in person some of the hyper-talented people who I have grown to know online and whose amazing work I have seen come into existence and evolve over the past year; you will be hearing from MANY of these people in the years to come, trust ol' Donist on this one. Oh well, NYCC? Thinking really hard about that one, but if I go there I would like to have something of my own to show, so time to wrap up one of my own projects; it's going to be tight.
In good news, especially to my mom and my best friends' dog Obie, I finally got a hold of The Sixth Gun #12. Was it worth the wait? Well, if I didn't like it I would not mention it, but read on and see in...
Friday Slice of Heaven
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The Sixth Gun #12 |
The new storyline kicks off with Drake Sinclair and Becky Montcriefe, accompanied by Brother Roberto and an assembly of monks called the Sword of Abraham traveling by train with the body of the once-again-dead General Oliander Bedford Hume in an attempt to secure his evil-marred corpse on holy ground. Hume's wife, Missy, a woman who should have perished of old age years prior and a holder of the only other supernatural gun not in Becky and Drake's possession, wants her husband back and unleashes an undead gang of killers against our heroes as well as something infinitely more terrifying.
The supernatural and horror swirled with the old-timey west is done so well and seamlessly that a fan of either genre will enjoy this book. Missy Hume is scary not so much as when she appears as an evil, withered crone, but in the attitude and flippancy she shows when taking others' lives. On the western side of the equation, this issue is predominantly a train heist...a train heist performed by super zombies in an attempt to steal not gold or cash, but the dead body of a monster. The action sequentials of this installment, beautifully illustrated by Brian Hurtt, are spectacular and flow by at a mercurial rate and left me hungry for the next exciting issue; this book keeps getting better and better.
I've made no secret of my love of this title and it is one that all fans of comic books looking for something different from the norm should be reading. One positive of getting issue 12 so late is that issue 13 comes out next week...that is unless my LCS/Diamond messes up again. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown #2 |
The story opens with the gill-woman, Nina and a brief Lemire-style glimpse into her past before joining the Creatures of the Unknown awake and lost, years in the future from when they were locked away in 1945. Monster hunter, Miranda Shrieve, and the G.I. Robot are on the hunt for Frankenstein and his crew, and nothing will stop her from eradicating any and all monsters that walk the earth. Problems for all involved parties escalate at the arrival of an unexpected family member who looks to make the third and final issue very interesting before Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE debutes in the DC reboot this September.
If there is one thing that has always put a smile on my face, it has been the classic monster characters: Dracula, Frankenstein, Creature from the Black Lagoon and the Wolfman. Lemire does a great job of reviving slightly altered versions of my favorite childhood monsters and inserting them into the DC Universe in a way that is new and exciting. One thing that struck me as odd and was a little jarring was the decision to split the artistic duties half and half, but I am guessing that this was done to finish the current storyline in time for the relaunch. Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown is what all comics strive to be; a hell of a lot of fun. Now all we need is a mummy and I will be a happy camper. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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Batman Gates of Gotham #3 |
This issue finds Batman (Dick Grayson), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Robin (Damian Wayne), and Black Bat (Casandra Cain) frantically struggling to find the mysterious man in the steampunk suit who continues to terrorize Gotham's founding families. Can the heroes stop the madman from destroying everything related to the Cobblepotts, the Waynes and the Elliots before Gotham has been razed to the ground? Thus far, the situation is not looking good.
Equal parts Bat Family tale and a history lesson of Gotham's rise as a major industrial city, what this issue lacks in action it more than compensates for with intrigue and a glimpse into the battle that is to come.
I need to mention that I am enjoying McCarthy's differing takes of the bright past and the dark, grim present of Gotham City and his character designs are unique, working well for the story. I believe the final two issues are to arrive before September and that is fabulous news indeed. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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Witch Doctor #2 |
Witch Doctor continues to shine as book unlike any other on the shelves, and if you are a fan of horror movies, House M.D., or better yet BOTH, then this book is for you. Worthy of mention are the nightmarish creations that Ketner has developed and I never knew a baby, or a mother for that matter, could be rendered to such a chilling degree. So very much fun. RECOMMENDED!
Slice Into the Woods
I'm Not at SDCC - I pretty much whined all I can whine about this at the beginning, so let's not dwell on the past, okay.

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