Well you know just what you need's
To bring more good comics to your life
The Sixth Gun's so much fun, "Winter Wolves"
Oughta give you chills at night
Many worlds of make believe
And oodles of comics to love
Captain Marvel will sure please
With every spaceship that she beats up
Who'd have thought The Shade'd blow your mind?
Well...you 'cause it's so damn fine
Read about it on this blog website
Donist World, Donist World
Hello Donist World readers. I just received a call that Obie's bags are packed and he's ready to go. For those of you who don't know, Obie is CFO of Donist World and he is also my friends' Boston terrier. Anyways, Obie is preparing to shack up with me here at the Donist World corporate offices on account of my friends, his owners, having a little thing called a baby. Now Obie has known something's been going on for a while now and he knows his life is about to become vastly different, but as long as he has his belongings ($17.32 taken from the Donist World petty cash box, a bag of kibble, his rubber chicken toy and a healthy supply of comic books) tied up in a hobo sack affixed to the end of a stick, the world is his oyster. So, while I hop into the Donist Mobile to run and pick up my main man, have a gander at this week's...
Friday Slice of Heaven
***Possible Spoilers Below***
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The Sixth Gun #24 |
After last issue's brief interlude following Kirby Hale, we are back with Drake and Becky and their pursuers, The Sword of Abraham. Brother Roberto reflects on some grim history as well as what the future holds, when he is told that General Hume, the twice (?) dead monster seeking the six guns, is beginning to stir. The dead man, trapped in a coffin on holy ground, mocks Brother Roberto and reveals that Missy Hume, the bad general's his wife, is not the one The Sword of Abraham needs to fear, but another family member all together. Gord Cantrell continues his hunt for his missing "friends" as Becky and Drake can't get a moment's rest and find themselves in an entirely different world of ice and cold and winter wolves. Bad times are a comin'.
I just read somewhere that The Sixth Gun is set for roughly 50 issues, which means that we are close to the midway point, but thankfully there's still plenty of story to go around with one of the best comics on the stand. Brian Hurtt returns after a one issue break to provide his beautiful signature illustrations to this exciting and addictive supernatural Western that is preparing to launch into more hardship for Drake and Becky. Cullen Bunn spends most of this issue on world building and setting up the next obstacles for the protagonists, which is fine after the past arc saw Becky come into her own as a determined, clever opponent who should not be taken lightly. I'm looking forward to further insight into Drake, his past and his motivations and hope to get a more extensive glimpse into this man of mystery. As always, I must mention the beautiful colors of Bill Crabtree (great name btw) that consistently enhance the exact mood in which Hurtt and Bunn wish for the reader to become immersed. The Sixth Gun continues to be a unique, engaging tale that never fails to surprise. This is damn fine comics, folks, and is a series worthy of your attention. I hope the Syfy television mini-series is still in the works; it's been a while since I've heard anything, but as far as this comic goes it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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The Shade #11 |
When London is pummeled into submission by two angry otherworldly, Egyptian-appearing gods, what does London do? It throws the mightiest heroes it has at them...to no avail. Watching the superpowered fail, it's up to the Shade to handle the raging gods, and who better to handle the murdering creatures than one who has few qualms over killing ne'er-do-wells himself. Unable to fight them directly, the Shade, with some magical help, comes up with a plan. Hopefully it works; saving a major world city is no easy task, and he still has work to do.
My goodness...what a beautiful looking book. I would love to see each step of how Irving created these pages. From pencil, to ink, to color it all just boggles the mind how the man created such striking images. On the merit of the art alone, the book is worth the $2.99 cover price, but with Robinson directing the character he has made his own you can't go wrong with this issue. The Shade has such a distinct voice and nonchalant outlook on most any situation, no matter how dire, that listening to the character's thoughts on a best-selling cookbook would be an interesting read. Robinson injects subtle, laugh-out-loud moments to this issue--see the Beaumont pages...ha--that make his perspective, or rather the Shade's perspective on the world fun to read. The main problem with this book has nothing to do with either creator, but with the highly-intrusive ads littering the book that completely pull the reader out of the experience and interrupt the flow of Irving's gorgeous pages; oh well, the trade should solve that problem. With the final issue slated to be a "Times Past" installment, I'm both excited and saddened to see this series go. Hopefully, the end of the series will not be the end of the character, but as I mentioned above, the Shade needs to be handled carefully or not at all, and hopefully he never reverts back to D-lister he was decades ago. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
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Captain Marvel #3 |
Captain Marvel is stranded on an island off the coast of Peru, but as if that wasn't bad enough, she's also gone back in time to World War II and finds that something is terribly wrong. The Japanese forces have somehow gained control of Kree spaceships known as "Prowlers" and they are using them against a band of a US female fighting force who has no prayer of fighting the alien technology, at least not without the help of Captain Marvel. Marvel dispatches the enemy and allows the pilot to live on the condition that he returns with the best that his side has to offer for a decisive battle the following day. Carol soon realizes that as powerful as she is, she might just have overstretched her resources.
As much as I liked issue one and two, Captain Marvel is only getting better. DeConnick's interpretation of Captain Marvel provides a strong, confident, selfless hero who can garner the admiration of both male and female readers without having to stoop to using the crutches of excessively-revealing costumes or the lady-just-trying-to-get-a-date stereotype. Dexter Soy's art looks even better and cleaner than the previous installments with a beautiful double-page splash being the highlight of the action scenes. I rarely mention letterers--the hidden art form--but VC's Joe Caramagna lays down some fantastic sound effects that stand out, especially on the DPS, but not in an intrusive way; you actually feel the chaos of the battle. My main negative comment about this fine comic is that there are only 16 pages of actual main story and art. The remainder of the 20 pages are comprised of the title page, a two page side story, and a "1970s" single page comic strip. Although the extras are nice, I would have preferred to see the book deliver a week or two late and have the main story fill out the full 20 pages, but whatchagonnado? I'm happy to finally have a superhero whose merits go far beyond sex appeal and who is just plain cool. RECOMMENDED!
Slice Into the Woods
Been Stressed the Hell Out - I'm not really sure why, but I have been stressed the hell out, irritable and not at my Donist best. It kind of sucks for my wife, Donist World Director of Human Resources Amy, and I need to snap out of it; no one likes a grump. In my defense, there has been a full moon...yeah, that doesn't cut it, but at least signing this document titled "Notice of Corrective Action" has brought me back to my senses.