*Obie, through his dabbling in arcane magics mixed with ancient corrupt business practices, has had not just the colors of his fur switched, but a complete overhaul of his work ethic as well…I think I’m kinda okay with the mishap.
***Possible Spoilers Below***
Friday Slice of Heaven
Wonder Woman #10
All Star Batman #4
The Barrier #2
Universe! #5
Everythinged by Albert Monteys, published by Panel Syndicate. Okay, the wait between issues of this fantastic sci-fi, digital-only series is kind of lengthy, but what do you expect when each issue is created by only one person; it’s also 48-pages long. For comics books of this caliber, I am happy to wait, just so long as they keep ’em a comin’. The cool thing about Universe! is that each issue can be read as a standalone, but they are also interconnected in subtle ways. For instance, the events of this issue start before the events of the first issue…that is unless you count the leaps back and forward through time, at which point my brain begins to hurt; just go with the flow. You also never know what sort of mental state you will be in by the time you finish each glorious issue. You might still be smiling from laughing through the whole read, you might be a little angry with certain situations, you might be awestruck, you might be heartbroken. Without spoiling anything, this is one of the “heavier” stories, but regardless of how tense situations get, there’s no way you’ll be able to set the story down (assuming you’re reading on a tablet like me). <sigh> Whoa, Denizens, just whoa. If you are a fan of sci-fi, then you cannot live a day longer without Montey’s brilliant series. A rock-solid story, gorgeous cartooning, vibrant and lively colors, there is absolutely nothing negative for me to say about this great series other than I wish it came out weekly; time travel might help with this. Again, this is Panel Syndicate, so pay what you want. I gave Monteys $4, and sincerely hope everyone kicks down as much as they are able so we can continue to get truly beautiful stories such as this for a long time to come. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!Slice into the Woods
America Totally Failed America This Week
America lost this week. Donald “Trump” Drumpf won the electoral vote and as such is our next president, which is devastating news for this country. Here we have a man with no experience in politics, no experience in running a country, and a history of failed businesses. He is a confirmed misogynist, a confirmed racist, a confirmed anti-Semite, a confirmed opponent of immigration. He is a man who has repeatedly failed to meet agreed-upon conditions of his business contracts, he does not believe in global warming and as such does not believe in science, he wants to dismantle the EPA and the affordable care act—anti-nature, anti-healthcare for all. He championed the completely false “Birther” movement, he has been caught in countless lies, he advocates for violence against both journalists and free speech — just watch the videos, they’re not hard to find — a violation of the first amendment. He instructed his adoring masses to intimidate voters, which is a violation of the 15th amendment, and subsequently received court orders forbidding such behavior, he instigated violence against those who disagree with him on numerous occasions. He criticized the family of a slain US soldier who happened to be Muslim, he has some shady dealings with Russia, he sexually assaulted and belittled numerous women and boasted about it. He has used the “N-word” repeatedly, and by “N-word” I mean nukes, and the list goes on. So, this is the type of person some people — not a majority, mind you — wanted to run our country. It boggles my mind as to the extremes some people are willing to go to in order to vote against their own best interests.I, of course, went through all the stages of grief before taking a moment to really think about what might have brought people to this point; surely there must be some sort of common ground between us. I, too, hate modern politics. I lean left but see corruption on both parties. I want big business out of politics. I want to stop sending jobs overseas. I’m sick of paying high taxes. And thus ends my common ground with Trump voters. That said, I would not hire a doctor of philosophy to be my medical doctor for an appendectomy, and as such would never vote for someone whose only proposed qualification for being President of the United States is that he’s been president of many companies…many, many failed ones at that. Sadly, many Trump supporters, the Deplorables, voted for him because he “thinks like they do,” which leads back to anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-black, anti-criticism, anti-free speech, misogynistic, etc. lines of thinking.
The thing is, Trump voters, he’s not like you. Not at all. Did you start the rat race born already across the finish line? He did. He inherited his father’s business and an undetermined amount of wealth. Unfortunately, we all have to scramble and claw our way to the starting point to even start the ol’ rat race, let alone hope to finish it. Also, if you truly believe he is so much like you, show up at one of his many residences to talk with him. Do you think you’ll be welcomed into his home? Seriously? I’ll bet you get “roughed up” like those protestors and journalists. For fuck’s sake, Deplorables, he actually said, “I love the poorly-educated,” is that reassuring to you? Think about it. You served your purpose. He doesn’t need you anymore. See how he looks out for you now.
I could go on for days about this, but I’m starting to get depressed again. I wanted Bernie. That didn’t happen. I wanted the second best choice, the one with actual fucking experience handling the affairs of the country — even when considering Benghazi and private email servers — but thanks to the electoral college and protest / third party voters the one who received the most votes lost. The lunatic is not just running the asylum, he, with his exceptionally tiny hands, will soon be running our country.

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