*Obie, through his dabbling in arcane magics mixed with ancient corrupt business practices, has had not just the colors of his fur switched, but a complete overhaul of his work ethic as well…I think I’m kinda okay with the mishap.
***Possible Spoilers Below***
Friday Slice of Heaven
Descender #19
Future Quest #10
Written by Jeff Parker, illustrated by Ron Randall, colored by Veronica Gandini, lettered by ALW’s Dave Lanphear, published by DC Comics. Midway through this 12-issue storyline, I had a minor running complaint that too many characters were being added, each requiring already limited space to allow an introduction and backstory for those not already familiar with them. I honestly worried that juggling this many characters would muddy the story that I had fallen in love with after the first couple of issues. There’s nothing to worry about; Parker has this story completely under control. Now that we know all of the great characters and creatures running around, things have been moving fast. Everyone has a place in this thrilling adventure comic, and everyone looks to get their moment to shine. Mightor’s role in the battle with the horrific Omnikron is shocking, and the secret of his club even more so, but I can’t wait to see Space Ghost finally whup some ugly monster butt once and for all. Oh yeah, it’d also be nice to see Bandit (the bulldog) get in on the action, too! I never thought I would ever say that most of my favorite comics coming from DC happen to be from the Hanna-Barbera line, and Future Quest is a solid reminder that comics can have stakes and be a fun-filled, roller-coaster ride; the last two issues can’t get here soon enough. If you missed out on the initial floppies, then never fear, the first trade of the first six issues is available now. Chic-a-chic-a-check it out! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Thanos #4
Written by Jeff Lemire, illustrated by Mike Deodato, colored by Frank Martin, lettered by VC’s Clayton Cowles, published by Marvel Comics. Ahhhh…it’s just me, a book centered around one of my all-time favorite characters, and one of my favorite comic book creators; what more could I ask for? Not only that, but we’re four issues in, and no events in sight. Let’s hope it lasts. The crazy thing about this issue is that the title character, Thanos the Mad God, only shows up on the final splash page. Instead, this issue focuses on Thane (Thanos’s son) and The Champion, with brief appearances by Nebula and Starfox. The thing, Denizens, is that I know next to nothing about this Thane guy, but after reading this issue, for the son of Thanos, he sure is a wimp. It’s kind of staggering how easily this guy caves when under pressure or threat. If it wasn’t for the backing of the nearly-naked Hotness Death…sorry, I meant Mistress Death, Thane would still be eating rats in a jail cell. I guess I should do a little research on the kid seeing as how he’s a huge part of the storyline and all. Although the old adage, “Like father, like son,” doesn’t seem to apply quite yet, I still enjoyed this issue. Deodato’s artwork continues to be a dark and perfect match for a book about Thanos, and his style, especially when focused on Hotness Death…dang, I mean Mistress Death, reminds of art that could be found in Warren Magazine, which is a huge compliment. It was also nice to see the return of the halftone dots in this issue. Thanos will please Starlin fans like myself, and I’m excited to see what comes next…and to see more Hotness Death. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!Slice into the Woods
The GOP and Their Man #45 - Going to try to stay positive and not go into it, but all the hiding from their constituents, not listening to their constituents, and standing beside Comrade #45 is simply shameful.

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