*Obie, through his dabbling in arcane magics mixed with ancient corrupt business practices, has had not just the colors of his fur switched, but a complete overhaul of his work ethic as well…I think I’m kinda okay with the mishap.
***Possible Spoilers Below***
Friday Slice of Heaven
The Flintstones #10
Written by Mark Russell, illustrated by Steve Pugh, colored by Chris Chuckry, lettered by Dave Sharpe, published by DC Comics. If you read last week’s post, then you know you I wasn’t as jazzed about the Booster Gold & The Flinstones Special #1 as I am about the phenomenal The Flintstones series proper. That’s fine, especially when we get a return to form that had me laughing out loud to the point my wife kept asking, “What’s so funny?” All I could tell her was that she has some catching up to do on this satirical comic that is deeply relevant to the world we currently live in. It’s also a crack up from page one to page twenty-two. There’s a look at cinema, war, budget cuts, masculinity, puppet leaders, the art world, consumerism, different cultures, death (not spoilin’, but then the cover gives it away), as well as other subjects. At first glance, topics such as these don’t appear to be all that humorous, but in Russell’s skillful hands I couldn’t stop laughing…except for the death part, that was actually quite touching and troubling for reasons you will have to read to understand. Pugh’s art is gorgeous as ever and riddled with clever sight gags that require you to linger on every panel lest you miss something neat. If you’ve been enjoying The Flintstones as much as I have, then you already know why the critics adore this smart, edgy comic. To be honest, I kinda don’t think DC knew what was actually being released until about three issues into the series, which at that point it was too late to pull the plug. If you aren’t reading The Flintstones, then you best get on that, Cuz, because there’re only two issues left in the creators’ run, but with a trade of the six first issues readily available, you can catch up lickety split. If you love Russell’s work here, then be sure to pick up Prez in trade and also Snagglepuss when it debuts in the fall. Love it, love it, love it. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!Paper Girls #13
Written by Brian K. Vaughan, illustrated by Cliff Chiang, colored by Matt Wilson, lettered and designed by Jared K. Fletcher, flats by Dee Cunniffe, published by Image Comics. Okay…I really don’t know what the fizzatch is goin’ on in Paper Girls, but for a book so well written and so beautifully illustrated, there’s no way I won’t be here in four weeks to see what happens next. Plus, I’m right there with KJ, Mac, Erin, and Tiffany, who no sooner had they finally been reunited are once again split apart. Sure one group has a tech-toting prehistoric ally with a baby helping them out, but the outside dangers look to stop them all before they can make it back to their actual time period. Writing and artwork, of course, are fantastic, but I am really digging Willson’s stunning colors — dang, just take a gander at the colors on the covers for this arc — which greatly enhance the story and set the tone. Do I even need to tell you to read this suburban, sci-fi, time traveling, adventure, coming of age story about four paper girls from Ohio in the ’80s who are thrust into worlds of monsters and mayhem? Of course not. You can pick up the first two trades to get caught up on this thrilling comic that I hope to someday see as a kick-ace television show. So much fun. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!Slice into the Woods
Keeping it Short this Week - That said, I still want #45, Sessions, and the rest of the liars to be thoroughly investigated and removed from their posts before they can f_ up our country even more than they already have. Heck, I hope they take those corporate, self-congratulatory tools, Ryan and McConnell, while they’re at it. Sad.

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