*Obie, through his dabbling in arcane magiks mixed with ancient corrupt business practices, has had not just the colors of his fur switched, but a complete overhaul of his work ethic as well…I think I’m kinda okay with the mishap.
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Comics Lust
Ladies Night (Part 1)
It’s Women’s History Month and after seeing the positively fantastic Captain Marvel just two days ago, it’s high time we did some rapid-fire hits on some of the best superhero comics where women take the lead.
Captain Marvel
(Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick, illustrated by Dexter Soy, originally published in 2012 by Marvel Comics)If you are as pumped by the movie as I am, then look no further than this series by DeConnick that took a character with a backstory that was convoluted (to say the least), with a fluctuating power set that was difficult to keep straight, some interesting past costume choices (I like the Binary look), and reimagined the character by giving her a functional, non-ass-hanging-out costume (I believe designed by Jamie McKelvie), a more clearly defined and impressive set of powers, a more streamlined backstory, an actual personality, and gave us a character men and women, boys and girls could all respect and admire. The decision to have Carol Danvers take up the name of a great cosmic hero after his death in the early ‘80s is the cherry on top to this new and exciting Captain Marvel. You can start it all with the first few trades.
Ms. Marvel
(Written by G. Willow Wilson, illustrated by Adrian Alphona, originally published in 2014 by Marvel Comics)With the original Ms. Marvel stepping up as the new Captain Marvel, there was a vacancy for the title of Ms. Marvel, and that is where Kamala Khan comes in. When a Muslim, Pakistani teenage girl is exposed to the Terrigen Mists—It’s an “Inhumans” thing…just go with it—she is granted incredible powers and sees an opportunity to do good in the world, just like her hero Carol Danvers. This series has won numerous awards and is a fun, inspiring story of a girl trying to navigate the worlds of superheroism, high school, family, expectations, and religion. It is simply delightful. You can dive in with the soon-to-be ten readily available trades.
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman has been around for quite a while; since 1941, to be exact. So, it’s fair to say that the Princess of Power, Diana Prince, has had her ups and downs over her years in the DC Universe, so let’s spotlight a few creators who definitely got it right.- Wonder Woman by George Perez (Everythinged by George Perez with other illustrators later in the series, originally published in 1987) Powerful, intelligent, beautiful, and surprisingly positive during a time when superhero comics were predominantly leaning towards the dark and gritty, Perez’s Wonder Woman is a bright and shining light with captivating story arcs and stunning art. Probably the best way to read this run is through the three Omnibus editions, with the last one containing the War of the Gods event…which I really need to read someday soon.

- Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka (Written by Greg Rucka, illustrated by many, originally published in 2003 by DC Comics) Rucka is known in the comic book world for his ability to create strong female characters, but in reality, he’s just a damn-fine writer able to tackle most any hero thrown his way…that said, this run is spectacular. Diana Prince is a diplomat from Themyscira who fights evil and inspires those around her. Your best bet is to get the two recently released collections with the first including Rucka’s OGN Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia. Heck, Rucka even returned to the character in 2016 with artist Liam Sharp and Nicola Scott as part of the “Rebirth” reboot of the entire DCU; the two deluxe editions for this later run are definitely the way to go.
- Wonder Woman by Gail Simone (Written by Gail Simone, illustrated by many, originally published in 2008) Admittedly, this is a run I have not yet read, but I eagerly anticipate correcting that error in my judgment as I have heard it is great. It is unfortunately out of print, but you can find it digitally. Her run ran from issues #14–44 of the 2008 third series.
Speaking of Gail Simone…
Birds of Prey
(Written by Gail Simone, illustrated by many, originally published in 2003 by DC Comics)I am exceedingly past due for a reread of Gail Simone’s epic Birds of Prey run. Oracle (formerly Batgirl), Black Canary, and Huntress are brought together to stop an evil threat and decide to continue working together despite their many differences. Throughout Simone’s run—issues #56–90, 92–108—additional characters come in and out of the series including Lady Blackhawk, Big Barda, and many others. But regardless of who was on the team, each was a force to reckoned with in their own right but together they were unstoppable. Now, the bad news…it appears that all of Simone’s trades are out of print which is kind of odd, but I don’t think you’ll have to wait long for new collected editions as a Birds of Prey movie is slated for release in 2020. Simone did return to the title in 2012 with the New 52, but even those trades are out of print, which means you’ll need to scramble for the issues or buy digitally for the time being.
That’s it for this installment. Now, get out there and see Captain Marvel, you’ll be glad you did.

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