*Obie, through his dabbling in arcane magics mixed with ancient corrupt business practices, has had not just the colors of his fur switched, but a complete overhaul of his work ethic as well…I think I’m kinda okay with the mishap.
***Possible Spoilers Below***
Friday Slice of Heaven
I know, Denizens. I know. Something happened that has not happened in the eight and a half years I have been writing Donist World: I missed a weekly post. Now, my average is definitely still higher than a post a week, but still… Anyhow, I’ve been wrapped up in a bit of “spring cleaning” the past two weeks. What that means is cleaning out our storage unit over two days last weekend—which included climbing up a ladder to pull on a tarp that then dumped tons of fossilized rat poop down to what sounded like grains of rice raining onto hard wood; dear dawg, that was horrendous. This weekend was all about moving stuff to the newly cleaned storage, to Alpha Thrift, to the dumpster, to recycling, and to the dump. Let’s just say, everything in my body hurts. But I didn’t want to miss another post. Let’s just say I’m wicked-tired, but I wanted to give you all a little somethin’-somethin’, so I thought I’d do a flashbang lightning round of “Friday Slice of Heaven” of the things I’ve read the past couple of weeks. Yes, I know it’s no longer Friday, but whatever. Buckle up. Here we go…
Murder Falcon #6
(Everythinged by Daniel Warren Johnson, colored by Mike Spicer, lettered by Rus Wooton, published by Image Comics)Dear gawd, I love this freaking comic. Monsters are invading Earth, but one man must sift through the wreckage of his life to take up a mystical guitar and summon Murder Falcon to help fight evil with the power of heavy metal. It might also be time to get the band back together. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful art and a story that will grab you by the feels much more than any other book on the stands. This eight-issue series is monumental and something you absolutely must read.
Doomsday Clock #9
(Written by Geoff Johns, illustrated by Gary Frank, colored by Brad Anderson, lettered by Rob Leigh, published by DC Comics)I have no idea how they are going to wrap this up in only three more issues, but I will be there on new release day frantically awaiting each of those issues. The heroes of the DCU track Dr. Manhattan to Mars and the ensuing battle leads us to think something else is at play behind the scenes. I absolutely love this maxiseries and Johns and Frank are successfully pulling off what I had always thought to be impossible: providing a sequel and bringing the Watchmen universe into the DCU…I will say I need to see more Mime and Marionette.
Guardians of the Galaxy #3
(Written by Donny Cates, illustrated by Geoff Shaw, colored by Marte Gracia, lettered by VC’s Cory Petit, published by Marvel Comics)When was the last time I could say I was reading more than one or two Marvel comics and being completely blown away by them? Yeah, I don’t know either, but Guardians of the Galaxy is an amazing thrill ride you cannot afford to miss. Thanos is dead after the events of some event I didn’t read and ultimately didn’t even need to read. The thing is, Cates has got you covered by setting everything up and letting you know that the cosmic “heroes” are gathered to stop the possible rebirth of the greatest threat to all of existence. Unfortunately, there are vastly differing opinions of how to do this. If you loved the fantastic Thanos Wins then this is a must-read.
The Immortal Hulk #15
(Written by Al Ewing, illustrated by Joe Bennett, inked by Ruby José, colored by Paul Mounts, lettered by VC’s Cory Petit, published by Marvel Comics)The last time I enjoyed reading the Hulk this much was when I was eight years old. This Hulk, however, is one steeped in horror and dread and mystery and all the things that keep current me on the edge of my seat. This issue has the Hulk and Doc Samson working together as Samson tries to discover why he is alive, what happened to Betty, and why a mutual friend’s grave is vacant. Props to Marvel for taking a chance on what is one of their most bizarre and intriguing comics.
Venom #12
(Written by Donny Cates, illustrated by Joshua Cassara, colored by Rain Beredo, lettered by VC’s Clayton Cowles, published by Marvel Comics)Venom is one of those characters that I could definitely apply the ol’ “take it or leave it” stance to…until Cates got a hold of him. Another solid horror title, with the “hero” trying to protect Earth from the threat of his symbiote’s god while struggling to come to terms with the fact that the symbiote that gives him his abilities might have been rewriting his memories. Dude, this book is so dang good, that I will probably have to pick up Cates’s Carnage title when it comes out too.
Mage: The Hero Denied #15
(Everythinged by Matt Wagner, colored by Brennan Wagner, lettered by Dave Lanphear, edited by Diana Schutz, design and production by Steven Birch, published by Image Comics)Yeah, I was about fourteen when I bought my first issue of Mage: The Hero Discovered and it was love at first read; the final issue arrived when I was sixteen. Then I began hounding the poor LCS workers for roughly 11 years until we finally got Mage: The Hero Defined. Eighteen years after that series wrapped—and after learning to keep my enthusiasm to myself and not harass the poor LCS employees—the final chapter of the trilogy kicked off and here we are with the end of the whole dang thing. 35 years from beginning to end. Am I going to tell you how it all goes down? Nope. You need to start this journey at the beginning and luxuriate in the fact that you can go from chapter to chapter as quickly as you like, and I suspect you will want to whip through as it is a glorious ride. It’s safe to say an epic reread of the entire Mage trilogy will probably begin this summer. For me, magic will always be green.
Alright, I need to take some aspirin and try to get these sore muscles to loosen up. I might cry a little but that doesn’t make me any less of a man, doggonit!!! See you next week.

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